Why You Should Fail as a Ski Instructor

skiing crash

As ski and snowboard instructors, we try to setup our guests for success. But failure during our own development is crucial for long term success. Are you someone who embraces failure, or leans away from it? The path to becoming a ski or snowboard instructor should be carved with failure along the way. Failure in […]

What Happens During a Snowsports Instructor Exam?

skis and mountain

To be a ski or snowboard instructor, you’ll likely be taking an instructor exam at some point. Once you pass this test, you’ll be a qualified snowsports instructor and able to work in many countries around the world. Getting into teaching skiing or snowboarding happens in stages, referred to as levels. This way you can […]

A Simple Guide to Snowsports Instructor Qualifications

To work as a ski or snowboard instructor, you’ll need to gain internationally recognised instructor qualifications. This may sound a little intimidating at first, but instructor qualifications are broken down into multiple levels. You can certainly get your foot in the door of the snowsports industry without being a top level skier or snowboarder. It’s […]

What is a Snowsports Instructor System?

snowsports instructor organisation logos

There are many different snowsports instructor qualifications and systems to choose from. Many countries have their own national snowsports instructor system, and within those there are multiple levels to be qualified in. To become a ski or snowboard instructor, you’ll need to pick a snowsports qualification system and then progress though it. Although there are […]

Snowboarders: Why be a Crossover Instructor?

There’s now more reasons than ever to be a Crossover Instructor; being able to teach both snowboarding and skiing. We know you love snowboarding and want to share that as an instructor. But the snowsports industry is always changing. There’s now more reasons than ever to be a crossover Instructor; able to teach both skiing […]

The Best Snowboard Equipment for Your Training


Having the right snowboard equipment is really important for your instructor training. Whether you’re looking to buy new equipment or use your own, here’s everything you need to know about boards and boots for your instructor course. Let’s start with the most important piece of snowboard equipment, your boots. Best Snowboard Boots for Instructor Training […]

Am I Good Enough to be a Snowboard Instructor?


Are all snowboard instructors expert riders? If you’re thinking of becoming an instructor, one of your biggest questions will be, “am I good enough to be a snowboard instructor?”.  You might even be a little intimidated when you think of instructors. Most people picture someone effortlessly throwing huge spins in the park, a smashing through […]