Top 5 Qualities of a Great Ski Instructor

Every guest deserves to have a great ski lesson experience. Whether they’re a nervous first timer, or an advanced skier wanting to push their limits, a ski instructor with the right qualities can make all the difference. Here are the top five qualities that every great ski instructor must have. 1. Patience Everyone learns at […]

How to Pass a Ski (or Snowboard) Instructor Exam

man skiing

To be a ski or snowboard instructor instructor, you’ll need to pass a teaching and skiing exam. The great news is that most countries offer a level system, so you don’t need to be an expert skier to get into teaching snowsports. The level system allows for a straightforward way into the industry. The level […]

Skiing: 5 Reasons You Should Be Stretching

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After a great day of skiing, it can be hard to motivate yourself to stretch. But, if you want to feel fresh and ski pain-free the next day, stretching is crucial. Sure, you might want to head straight to the bar, hot tub or couch, but even a small amount of stretching after skiing can […]

The Perfect Ski Instructor Resume

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Looking to build the perfect ski instructor resume? You might be newly qualified instructor or a seasoned pro looking for new opportunities. Either way, you’ll want a clean and eye-catching resume to land those dream ski school job offers. Some ski schools see hundreds of applications from ski instructors. It’s a huge task to deal […]

What is a Snowsports Instructor System?

snowsports instructor organisation logos

There are many different snowsports instructor qualifications and systems to choose from. Many countries have their own national snowsports instructor system, and within those there are multiple levels to be qualified in. To become a ski or snowboard instructor, you’ll need to pick a snowsports qualification system and then progress though it. Although there are […]

Am I Good Enough to be a Ski Instructor?

skier on mountain

Are all ski instructors expert skiers? If you’re thinking of becoming an instructor, one of your biggest questions will be, “am I good enough to be a ski instructor?”.  You might even be a little intimidated when you think of instructors. Most people picture a skier flawlessly negotiating moguls, or ripping down a race course. […]

Snowboarders: Why be a Crossover Instructor?

There’s now more reasons than ever to be a Crossover Instructor; being able to teach both snowboarding and skiing. We know you love snowboarding and want to share that as an instructor. But the snowsports industry is always changing. There’s now more reasons than ever to be a crossover Instructor; able to teach both skiing […]

The Best Snowboard Equipment for Your Training


Having the right snowboard equipment is really important for your instructor training. Whether you’re looking to buy new equipment or use your own, here’s everything you need to know about boards and boots for your instructor course. Let’s start with the most important piece of snowboard equipment, your boots. Best Snowboard Boots for Instructor Training […]